the radiant and intelligent HEART

Western Scientific research suggests that the HEART is a self - sufficient energy centre, that has it's own brain and communicates information with the cranial brain through the nervous system, hormonal system, pulse waves and the electromagnetic field.

The complex and INTELLIGENT HEART CENTRE through it's rhythmic resonance  and frequency harmonises, balances and replenishes the body as it pumps the vital supply of blood through the veins organs and glands. 

Research conducted by Heartmath Institute explains that,' The HEART'S ELECTRICAL FIELD is about 60 TIMES GREATER in aomplitude THAN THE ELECTRICAL ACTIVITY generated BY THE BRAIN. Furthermore, the magnetic field produced by the heart is more than 5,000 TIMES GREATER IN STRENGTH than the field generated by the brain, and can be detected a number of feet away from the body, in all directions...

The HEART's electromagnetic field is by far THE MOST POWERFUL RHYTHMIC FIELD PRODUCED BY THE HUMAN BODY - not only envelops every cell of the body but also extends out in all directions into the space around us...