I know now what I have to do about everything and I am so relax about it… I have no hurry; I have all the time in the world to change what I need to change…. To be more and more open to LIVE MY LIFE AS A GIFT, to LIVE MY LIFE as ETERNITY is… CLEAR and BEAUTIFUL and PEACEFUL and BLISSFUL and in CELEBRATION… this is all… this is all that really exist in the planet earth…. All the rest is a lie, a disease of the mind, an illusion…
if people could rest in the heart… all the beauty of the soul could appear… and all the problems of the mind could be solved…. We are really the rainbow people, the blessed ones…. The most privileged, just BE CAUSE….
there are no barriers… between people… only the illusion of the mind makes us believe we are separate… but we are all the same… inside the body there’s a secret gift… the gift of LOVE… and when we LOVE we become closer to the spirit… and when we become closer to the spirit… we understand our soul… and our soul is just ONE thing, ONE reality… ONE BIG ENERGY… we are all the same in the end… we are just CAOS.. of LOVE and BLISS and BEAUTY…. The big soup with all the possibilities…
and I choose to BE LOVE.. and you choose to BE LOVE, and as more and more people choose to be LOVE, with all that can come out of that choice… then we are getting just where the universe wants us to be… we may walk around for a while… but in the end… you can not run… you just fall into IT!...
My life is now full of GRATITUDE… full of awareness… full of PEACE… full of MYSELF… my life is just in the right place… I AM an HUMAN BEING in LOVE with MYSELF in LOVE with LIFE ITSELF… the dream is here.. the paradise is here… OPEN THE EYES of the SOUL in the BODY… LOVE and PRESENCE…